This page is my rough notes on what would be involved in a Haskell shell. I make no claims for any code, or that any of the concepts are in any way final, good, etc. These are raw brain sewage from my brain back to my own brain. Feel free to mail me comments, questions, etc.
HaSh - the Haskell Shell KHaSh -- the KDE-enabled HaSh HooKHa -- Hash's object-oriented KDE-panel of Haskell expressions and applications. Grab a process, expression, whatever, put it in the hookha, and "smoke it" whenever you want. Aug 5, 1999, 10pm What is the type of "ls"? Or of any shell command? A Monad type? A function from a shell environment to another? But what about side effects? How about the type of a Process? type Process t = Running t -- ps R Sleeping t -- ps S Suspended t -- ps D Stopped t -- ps T Zombie t -- ps Z And what can "t" be above? Executable (i.e., native code executable), Script (i.e., running in some kind of interpreter), -- do we need this? Expression (Haskell expression). So constructors for Process t would include foreground t.constr -- usually Running t, alias fg background t.constr -- usually Running t, alias bg hookha t.constr -- usually Sleeping t?, alias hk nice t.constr -- either Running t or Sleeping t, depending Constructor for Executable would be findInPath String -- hmm, what about / and the like? They're legit in Unix, I think, just hard to get past the shell..... This has an alias of path String or a unary operator or something Vaariable number of arguments? Regexps? Modifying the syntax to produce something useful, though perhaps less elegant? What about par and seq? OR implicit in Monad use! No need for fg and bg, etc. Default is background (lazy). You want order, use >>= Alias | to >>= ? cat foo >>= lines >>= filter (/// "a.*") returns a list of lines from foo that contain a match of "a.*" so some shell command types: ls :: Path t -> [ Path t ] -- how do you handle options? -l :: Path t -> Path Decorated t -- hmmm, just may be on to something. Suggests polymorphic regexps over paths Or is a directory a set, containing files. Files can be directories, too, of course. Maybe files are clustered with their types: case ls pwd of (application/*, name) -> par name -- or Monad name? (image/*, name) -> xv name -- foreground - doesn't continue -- until click? _ -> Nothing How can we use \foo (lambda expressions)? Options? ls \f -> attr f -- too long-winded next to ls -l, but consistent across everything! But ls took a Path t, not a t -> Attr t How polymorphic is ls? Aug 6, 1999, noon "reverse" args? sort reDate attr ls pwd so this suggests pwd :: Monad Path ls :: Monad Path -> [ File ] Modify name lookup to search the directory and path after the local namespace? I think this might work reasonably elegantly. This suggests stdio :: Monad String stderr :: Monad String stdin :: Monad String
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